Who You Wanna Be?

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Be Who You Want

Monday, September 1, 2008

Spot Me?

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Friends That I Missed ALOT - The 6 CUPIDS!

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Yanti, Caddie, Mimi, Me, Louie, Edda, Saliza during my Birthday Dinner

Cupid 2

Cupid 6
Cupid 1
Cupid 5
Cupid 3

Cupid 3
Mimi and Yanti
Edda and Louie
Caddie and Fred


These group was created during our times in MD 97-98.

Im so lost of words. Too much to say.

Im not strong enough to even type how we started to know each other and became inseparable since then.

But NOW, life has changed. Everyone with their own world.

Some has gone missing in action due to some misunderstanding.

Since Ive lost them in my life..

That was the time I felt my world is EMPTY!

..I miss THE moments with you guys..

..All the crazy things we did..

..And if you guys came across this..

..Let's just forgive and forget..


First, it was CUPID 3 who flew away..

..Then CUPID 6..

..Then CUPID 1..

..CUPID 3 is always there with me..

..CUPID 5 was once gone and we're together now..

..I miss my CUPIDS..

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Class of 2002 - My 1st Batch of Students @ SR Dato Othman

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These were my first batch of students when I started my life as a teacher. Ive started off teaching Darjah 1 in 2002, Darjah 2 in 2003 and Darjah 4 in 2004 (class teacher). They are all in the Secondary Schools now.

In 2005, I was teaching English RELA for Darjah 5 level as well as a class teacher for Darjah 5A. Then in 2006, I was teaching Darjah 4 as a class teacher as well. 2007, I was teaching Darjah 5 as a class teacher too.

And currently, Im teaching Darjah 5 as a class teacher too.

Aside being a class teacher, I do have some other comittments in school. The biggest and toughest comittment is being a traditional dance teacher. And this competition is held every year. So every new year comes, I'll have to do auditions from all students that are interested in the dance. And it is difficult to choose the top 20 dancers from hundreds of students who came to the audition. There are certain criterias I look for to be selected as one of the dancers. Believe me! Students in my school LOVES dancing.

So far, my school's dancing group has been in the Top 3 spots. In 2003, it was our very first time to make it to the Finals. In 2004 - 2008, we've been conquering the 2nd Place spot nationwide. Its hard to get the 1st Place spot which we dont really understand why. Hehehe. But its ok. Wasnt our luck yet. But personally, Im confortable with the 2nd Place Spot but when knowing we were just losing with 0.1 point from the 1st Place Winner made me go "curehhzee!" *lol*

Anyways, enuff said.





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September 2nd - Happy 6 Years of Teaching Anniversary to all Teachers Batch 1999-2002!

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Happy Anniversary!
Jgn marah I uploaded these pics ah!
Valuable and Priceless :p
And these are the only collections I have
Love you Guys so much esp my D'Karak Gang
(Tani saja tau why our Group name atu cematu *lol*)

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